wykonaj projekt gry.
link do strony:
link do strony:,_Moc,_Energia
3. Czas wykonania projektu: koniec marca
4.Kryteria sukcesu:
1.Wejdź na stronę:
2.Wykonaj "Mechaniczny samochód" wg instrukcji
3.Odpowiedz na poniższe pytania
Kryteria sukcesu:
1 opis wykonania "mechanicznego samochodu" 5pkt
2.wykonanie zabawki -10pkt
3.wyjaśnienie praw fizyki w ruchu samochodu-10 pkt
Opcja 1:
Napisz list do Sir Isaac Newton.
- Wyjaśnij w liście jak wszystkie trzy zasady dynamiki wpłynęły na nasze codzienne życie (przykłady z życia)
- Wyjaśnij, dlaczego uważasz, że dana zasada dynamiki (ważne żeby opisać wszystkie) jest ważna z punktu widzenia współczesnego człowieka.
Twoja praca powinna zawierać co najmniej pięć akapitów.
W liście mogą pojawić się ilustracje lub jakieś elementy własnej twórczości.
Opcja 2:
Napisz piosenkę wyjaśniającą trzy zasady dynamiki Newtona
-Utwór powinien trwać co najmniej trzy minuty.
- Piosenka powinna zawierać przykłady i opis dlaczego dana zasada jest ważna i jak ją postrzegasz w życiu codziennym.
- Piosenka musi być rejestrowana – to może być wideo lub nagranie głosowe
Przykład piosenki:
Opcja 3:
Utwórz plakat wyjaśniający trzy zasady dynamiki Newtona
- Plakat powinien zawierać odręczne wykonane rysunki oraz własnoręczne podpisy, które wyjaśniają wszystkie trzy zasady.
- Plakat musi zawierać wyjaśnienie, dlaczego ważne dla codziennego życia każdego człowieka jest znajomość tych trzech zasad.
- Ilustracja musi być kreatywna i oryginalna
Dear Sir Isaac Newton,
It is my pleasure to be the one to write to you during this rough time. As you know, the government is trying to ban every individual from studying physics for reasons that we may never know and it is my job to help prevent this from happening, but first I need to confirm your three laws of motion. Doing this will help me to come up with a more persuasive argument towards our careless government.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but your first law states that an object in motion will stay in motion at a constant velocity and in the same direction unless acted upon by an outside force and that an object at rest will stay at rest with the same exception, also called “the law of inertia.” The example that I will present for this law is a skateboarder running into a tree. The skateboarder is riding his skateboard and texting. Since he is texting, he isn’t well aware that he is approaching a tree, so he runs directly into it. When he does this, the skateboard instantly stops, but his body wants to continue moving forward at the same speed. This is all caused because of inertia.
According to your second law, acceleration is produced when a force acts on any mass. Therefore, the more mass an object is the more force is needed to accelerate it. More simply put, a heavier object would require much more force than one that is lighter. To visually represent this law I am going to stand in front of a boulder, and then in front of a cardboard box. As you know, the boulder has much more mass than the cardboard box, so according to your 2nd law, it should be much more difficult to move. I am going to push on each object until I am able to move it. My audience will be able to see that the boulder requires a much greater amount of force to move it from it’s position.
Your third law is my favorite so I understand it much more. This states that for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action, meaning that every force has a counter-force that is equal in size but that is the opposite direction of the initial force. So when an object is pushed, the object pushes back equally as hard. Let’s think of a rocket since we are in Florida. The rocket’s engines push down on the ground, that is the action. While the reaction is that the ground also pushed on the rocket with the same force, sending it into the air.
I thank you so very much for your time and concern. Once again, it is my pleasure to work with you on this heartbreaking issue. If I made any mistakes, please contact me as soon as possible so we can get this squared away. This is a very serious issue and we need all of the time that we can get. Your laws are critical to understanding the way that our world operates. Without understanding these basic principles of Physics, we will not be able to make new technological innovations. Even more, our society as a whole is beginning to forget how the technology we have now words. People no longer wear seatbelts because they do not understand your first law; the last attempted rocket launch was a disaster! I hope that with your help understanding your laws, I will be able to help convince people that Physics is essential to their daily lives.